Call people out about their insecurities. And make it public!

Andrea Zanon Confidente
2 min readMar 2, 2023

A woman entrepreneur that I advised called me today and said, look, Andrea, my boss removes me from the emails I copied. He just removes me, takes me out. And I am kind of lost. What do I do? He does that out of feeling threatened and challenged. On top of that he is the biggest micro-manager ever.

Here came my response.

Don’t let somebody else’s weakness, insecurity, drag you down. Call these people out. And make it public.

Tell them out loud and let them know how you feel, and tell them, this is unacceptable. Address it publicly. This is bullshit, and you should not let it fly. It happens to all of us. When you do call them out? Do it as soon as it happens…just learn that’s okay to do it. It is actually not ok to let it go.

It is important to understand that sometimes we are excluded, and that is part of life. We dont get invited to a cocktail or a birthday party. And it hurts. Don’t feel bad about it, walk tall and be comfortable with exclusion and even with rejections.

On this however, be ruthless, and never let other people’s weaknesses or insecurity or whatever drag you down. Grow up and call people out when their insecurity is affecting your ability to operate and shine.

When you call them out, make it publicly even if you are a junior analyst. Step up and speak up.



Andrea Zanon Confidente

Performance advisor with over 20 years experience across entrepreneurship, sustainability and partnership. Now focusing helping people investing in themselves